Sunday, August 2, 2009

***DAYS*** I'm Done

Adoring him is like losing him. I know that the two may seem to contradict themselves, but its how I feel. It's like the more I adore thee the more it seems to be slipping away. I'm at a point in my life were I am ready to be done with the past and enjoy my present and maybe prepare for my future. It's a lot of things that I am unsure about, but I guess I really can't sit around wondering about the things I can't change and have no control over. I honestly feel like I need to be on a vacation somewhere like Miami and just taking a break from it all. I'm done discussing the same subject and I'm done trying to define things. If it's meant for me to know then it will be unveil to me. Other than that I'm just gone float on clouds.

***THE END***

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